Find your own best path to peace, forgiveness, and compassion, the stepping stones to deep Connection.


Join the Free Forgiveness Experiment



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Is this you?


Do you feel like you were hit hard this past year and you need a reset?


Do you “overthink” a situation, a memory, or even just a feeling...replaying it over and over in your mind?


Do you see a pattern in your life that you keep repeating but you feel like you can’t stop it? You’ve tried “everything” to let go of this pattern and yet you keep re-enacting it?


Are you often surprised by how angry you feel about some things?


Are you experiencing physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, anxiety, decreased immune response, and digestion issues?


Do you wish you felt deeper connection with the people around you?


Are there feelings and thought patterns 

getting in the way of living the life you most want to live?

Sign Up Below to 

Join the Experiment! 

Over the last decade, I have been playing with 

a variety of ways to use the Ho’oponopono prayer 

to create more freedom, more connection, more peace, 

and more joy in my life. 


Last summer, I tried two new versions of the prayer and my life started to shift significantly for the better.


I want to share the various approaches with you and have you determine which one/s work best for you…

and then support you as you create a hybrid approach of what 

fits YOU perfectly.

Join the Experiment!

Get started today before this unique opportunity passes.

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Who Am I To Be 

Leading This Experiment?


We see the world as we are, not as the world is.



My name is Jennifer Sutton and I want to help you see the world through the eyes of  the magnificent and important human that you are. 


My role is to help you let go of things that are blinding you to the truth of your magnificence. I will help you broaden (or shift or transform) your view so you can see the amazing big picture of which you are a part. I can see it! I want you to see it, too! 


I believe we can feel safe and even joyful being who we are now and also becoming who we most want to be. I also believe that we each are an important part of the puzzle of Life and that, even in our most challenging times, our most critical gig is to be fully and solidly our truest self.


In the process of living into that myself, I have discovered some really helpful tools and practices. I also discovered some of my own gifts. I combine my gifts of intuition, laughter, connection, and creativity with the tools/practices and share them with you as you are leaning into who you are and beginning to decide who you want to become. My favorite thing is to play with leaders, teams, educators, students, and others to share these tools and practices, and see how you use them to transform your own life challenges and adventures.


I also believe in collaboration and bringing multiple perspectives to the table. To that end, I've invited two dear friends and powerful leaders to join us on this journey. You can read about them below! (click their picture to link to their Amazon book pages).

Seema Khaneja, MD


Author of Physician, Heal Thyself, Seema Khaneja will enhance the discussion by sharing her intimate knowledge of A Course In Miracles and how it can be used to strengthen the forgiveness process.

Sign Up Now!


Isn’t it time for you to feel more joy than regret, feel more excitement than anxiety….and just feel better in your own skin?? 


The world benefits massively from you being you. We need you!! If you’re ready to step into all that you came here to be, sign up for the Five Days of Forgiveness!

Join Today!